CPPA Enforcement Division Issues First Advisory


The California Privacy Protection Agency Enforcement Division has issued its first Enforcement Advisory. Enforcement Advisories share observations with the regulated community to further compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018.

Ashkan Soltani, the Agency’s Executive Director, said “Vigorous enforcement is part of our mission, along with educating the public about their rights and responsibilities. The Enforcement Division’s advisories will serve both purposes.”

Enforcement Advisories educate the public and encourage businesses to comply with the law to the benefit of all Californians. The document provides additional detail about principles of the CCPA and highlights observations of non-compliance to deter violations. The first advisory, Applying Data Minimization to Consumer Requests, addresses the principle that businesses shouldn’t collect, use, keep, or share more personal information than they need when processing consumers’ requests.

“We intend for our Enforcement Advisories to promote voluntary compliance, but sometimes stronger medicine will be in order,” said Michael S. Macko, the Agency’s Deputy Director of Enforcement. “We won’t hesitate to act when necessary.”

The Enforcement Division expects to release several Enforcement Advisories throughout the year.

Contact: press@cppa.ca.gov