Preliminary Rulemaking Activities: Written Public Comments
The Agency solicited preliminary written comments from the public via an initial Invitation for Comments from Sept 22, 2021 through Nov 8, 2021. That period has now closed and the public comments are available via the links below.
Preliminary Rulemaking Activities: Informational Hearings
The Agency held informational hearings to gather information and obtain further preliminary public input.
Informational Sessions
The Agency held a set of instructive informational sessions on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 and Wednesday, March 30, 2022 to inform the Agency Board, Agency staff, and the public on topics relevant to the upcoming rulemaking. The agenda, materials, and recordings of the informational sessions are available on our Meetings & Events page under March 29-30, 2022 Pre-Rulemaking Informational Sessions.
Stakeholder Sessions
The Agency also held a set of stakeholder sessions to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to speak on topics relevant to the upcoming rulemaking. The stakeholder sessions were held on May 4th, May 5th, and May 6th, 2022. To assist in accommodating the widest possible range of stakeholders, these meetings were held via videoconference. The agenda and recordings of the stakeholder sessions are available on our Meetings & Events page under May 4-6, 2022 Pre-Rulemaking Stakeholder Sessions.