Motions Introduced by the CPPA Board
12-19-25 | #25-05 | That pursuant to Civil code Section 1798.199.35, the California Privacy Protection Agency Board delegates to the agency's interim executive director Tiffany Garcia, the authority to act in the name of the agency between meetings to the extent necessary for the efficient day-to-day administration of the agency. This delegation includes, but is not limited to, the authority to conduct probable cause hearings, hire a chief privacy auditor and other staff, and to certify regulations for submission to the Office of Administrative Law. As required by law, this delegation does not allow for the interim executive director to resolve enforcement actions or exercise the Board's rulemaking authority. The interim executive director may further delegate this authority to staff as necessary for the agency's operations to comply with the applicable legal requirements and operational needs. Delegation shall become effective on January 17th, 2025, and the prior delegations to Ashkan Soltani are revoked as of January 16th, 2025. This delegation shall continue until rescinded or modified by the Board, or until a non-interim executive director assumes the duties of executive director, at which time this delegation shall transfer to the non-interim executive director. | 5-0-0 |
#25-04 | To request and direct staff to make the adjustments as we discussed in our conversation today and that I just listed out 30 seconds ago [making clear to Mr. Worthe's request that the Board that the handbook can be amended should we decide to revisit it, not just the policies within it. And adjusting for Mr. Mactaggart's preferences regarding the appointment of subcommittees and how people are chosen to do various things, and adjusting the language on media and legislative inquiries to be clearer than apparently it was. That this is really about giving staff a heads up and making sure that it's clear to all involved. That when you're speaking as you – a board member yourself, you're not speaking for the whole agency or the Board on a position the Board would vote on. And . . . making the bullet point on Bagley-Keene more scannable], and then to adopt the Board handbook as amended. | 5-0-0 | |
#25-03 | To accept staff's proposal regarding the regularized calendar for 2025, including dates as discussed by the Board in our meeting today, and topics as presented to us and an understanding of locations that will be in San Francisco and Sacramento, and if possible, also in Southern California. | 5-0-0 | |
#25-02 | To direct staff to pursue the legislative proposal to require browser and at least to begin mobile vendors to include a feature that allows users to exercise their California privacy rights through an opt-out preference signal with the California legislature in the upcoming session, and to allow staff flexibility to support the proposal up through a sponsorship capacity based on staff's assessment of the level of support and the features that will give the proposal the greatest chance of passage and the greatest effect. | 5-0-0 | |
#25-01 | To adopt this resolution and recognition and appreciation of distinguished service by Ashkan Soltani on this the 20th day of December, 2024, with the gratitude of the California Privacy Protection Agency Board. | 5-0-0 | |
11-08-24 | #24-10 | To approve moving forward with the hiring plan we have discussed for the executive director position, which is based on the materials we have today with amendments flowing from the Board's discussion today, and to delegate to staff portions of the hiring process as recommended by Chief Deputy Director Garcia, with the hiring decision to be made by the Board. | 5-0-0 |
#24-09 | Direct staff to amend Section 7600 to adjust the California Privacy Protection Agency's data broker registration fee to $6,600. | 5-0-0 | |
#24-08 | To approve and adopt the regulations as originally proposed, direct staff to take all steps necessary to complete the rulemaking process, including filing the final rulemaking package with the Office of Administrative Law, the amendment of any documents within the rulemaking package other than the text of the rules as necessary to ensure clarity, accuracy, and compliance with the Administrative Procedures Act, and authorizing the executive director to make non–substantive changes to the proposed regulations, and to further authorize staff to withdraw the rulemaking file in whole or in part from consideration by the Office of Administrative Law at any time, if in their opinion, the legal risks associated with disapproval of these regulations warrant further consideration by the Board. | 5-0-0 | |
#24-07 | Direct staff to advance the proposed draft regulations for this agenda item, which cover updates to our existing regulations and new regulations on insurance businesses, cybersecurity audits, risk assessments, and automated decision–making technology to formal rulemaking, including commencement of the 45–day public comment period, and to authorize staff to make additional changes where necessary to reflect the Board's discussion today, improve the text's clarity, or otherwise ensure compliance with the Administrative Procedures Act. | 4-1-0 | |
7-16-24 | #24-06 | Authorize agency staff to support SB 1223, as most recently amended on June 26th, 2024, and to further authorize staff to continue to support this bill, even if it is amended, if in staff's discretion, the amendments are consistent with the objectives set out in the memo before us today on SB 1223 in our materials and our discussion today.· And to authorize staff to remove support for or oppose the bill if amended, if and staff's discretion, it is no longer consistent with those objectives. | 4-0-0 |
#24-05 | Authorize agency staff to support AB 1008 as most recently amended on July 3, 2024, and to further authorize staff to support this bill, even if it is amended, if in the staff's discretion the amendments are consistent with the objectives set out in the memo before us today for this agenda item and our discussion today.· And to authorize staff to remove support or oppose the bill if amended if in staff's discretion, it is no longer consistent with those objectives. | 4-0-0 | |
05-10-2024 | #24-04 | Direct staff to advance the proposed data broker registration regulations in your materials for today to formal rulemaking, including commencement of 45-day public comment period, and to authorize staff to make additional changes where necessary to reflect the Board's discussion today, improve the text clarity, or otherwise ensure compliance with the Administrative Procedures Act. | 5-0-0 |
#24-03 | Authorize Agency staff to support AB 1949, if amended to: maintain the actual knowledge standard or establish in the statute an alternative standard, for example, that the business knew or should have known that the consumer is less than 18 years of age; to identify in the statute factors suggesting the consumer is a child; to emphasize that these provisions do not relieve businesses of their data minimization responsibilities; to remove the duplicative requirement that the Agency issue regulations to establish technical specifications for an opt-out that relate to whether or not a consumer is a child; and to remove the requirement that the Agency complete an age verification rulemaking by July 1st, 2025, or to extend the deadline to July 1st, 2026 or later; and to authorize staff to continue to support this bill even if amended, if in the staff's discretion the amendments are consistent with the objective set out in the memo before us today, and our discussion today, and to authorize staff to remove support for or oppose the bill if amended, if in staff's discretion it is no longer consistent with the objective set out in the materials for today or our discussion for today. Staff is urged to work with the legislature when identifying factors suggesting that a consumer is a child that recognizes that there is a range of ages and a range of sensitivities involved in age verification for children of different ages. | 5-0-0 | |
03-08-2024 | #24-02 | Authorize staff to advance the proposed risk assessment and automated decision-making technology regulations to formal rulemaking up through commencement of the 45-day public comment period, and to otherwise authorize staff to make additional changes where necessary to improve the text clarity, and to conform to Mr. Le's suggestion in our conversation today regarding the abridged risk assessments that found consensus within the Board, or to otherwise ensure compliance with the Administrative Procedures Act. | 3-2-0 |
#24-01 | Authorize staff to advance the updates to existing regulations, to formal rulemaking up through commencement of the 45-day public comment period, and to otherwise authorize staff to make additional changes where necessary, to improve the text clarity, or to otherwise ensure compliance with the Administrative Procedures Act. | 5-0-0 | |
12-08-2023 | #23-20 | Approve staff's legislative proposal to require browser vendors and other platforms or devices as defined by regulation to include a feature that allows users to exercise their California privacy rights through opt-out preference signals as defined by regulation in concept, that this is the plan that we in concept support, and to direct staff to pursue the legislative proposal with the California Legislature coming back to update the board on necessary topics that we've discussed today | 5-0-0 |
#23-19 | Direct staff to advance these proposed insurance regulations to formal rulemaking up through commencement of the 45-day public comment period, and to otherwise authorize staff to make additional changes where necessary to incorporate feedback from the California Department of Insurance to improve the text's clarity and/or the text's readability, and to otherwise ensure compliance with the Administrative Procedures Act | 5-0-0 | |
#23-18 | Direct staff to propose update regulations to formal rulemaking up through commencement of the 45-day public comment period considering the conversation today, and to otherwise authorize staff to make additional changes where necessary to improve the text clarity or improve readability or otherwise ensure compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act, and also to accept comment from individual Board members in one-way communications | 5-0-0 | |
#23-17 | Adopt the proposed regulation to establish the California Privacy Protection Agency's data broker registration fee | 5-0-0 | |
#23-16 | Direct staff to incorporate any changes agreed to by the Board during today's discussion and consider the Board's discussion overall in today's meeting, and to, additionally, receive feedback on the draft automated decision-making regulations from Board members after this meeting, and to propose a revised draft at a following meeting, again, for possible advancement to rulemaking | 5-0-0 | |
#23-15 | Direct staff to incorporate any changes agreed by the Board during today's discussion, consider the Board's discussion overall, and, additionally, receive feedback on the draft risk assessment regulations from Board members after this meeting, and propose a revised draft at a following meeting for possible advancement to formal rulemaking | 5-0-0 | |
#23-14 | Direct staff to advance the proposed cybersecurity regulations to formal rulemaking up through commencement of the 45-day public comment period and to authorize staff to make additional changes where necessary to improve the text clarity, improve readability, or otherwise ensure compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act | 5-0-0 | |
09-08-2023 | #23-13 | Approve the delegation to the executive director provided as attachment A to the materials for this agenda item with an attachment of additional delegations that exist or as they arise | 5-0-0 |
#23-12 | Approve Agency staff's recommendation to approve the appointment of Dr. Jennifer King to the California Children's Data Protection Working Group | 5-0-01 | |
07-14-2023 | #23-11 | Pursuant to Civil Code sections 1798.199.35 and 1798.199.40, subdivision (f), delegate to the Agency's executive director the authority to act on the Board's behalf to conduct and oversee the hiring of the Agency's chief privacy auditor with the exception that the selected candidate shall be presented to the Board for concurrence in the hiring unless, in the chair [inaudible], is not a reasonably approximate Board meeting, in which case concurrence shall rest with the chair | 3-0-1 |
#23-10 |
3-0-1 | |
#23-09 | Delegate to the chair of the Board the ability to speak for the Board and the Agency and offer its position on SB 544 in its current form or as amended | 3-0-1 | |
#23-08 | Authorize Agency staff to:
3-0-1 | |
#23-07 |
3-0-12 | |
05-15-2023 | #23-06 | Authorize and direct staff to:
4-0-0 |
03-03-2023 | #23-05 | Adopt practice of utilizing subcommittees and any of the subcommittees when:
4-0-0 |
#23-04 | Dissolve the Public Awareness Subcommittee, the Startup and Administration Subcommittee, the Update Rules Subcommittee, and to continue the Rulemaking Process Subcommittee, at least until the next meeting, in order to finish up that subcommittee's work, and to continue the New Rules Subcommittee until a point in time at which a package is sufficiently ready | 4-0-0 | |
02-03-2023 | #23-03 | Direct staff to release to the public an invitation for preliminary comments that is substantially in the form of the draft document reviewed today in connection with this agenda item and inviting the public to respond with written comments within a 45-day period as soon as is technically feasible | 4-0-0 |
#23-02 |
4-0-0 | |
#23-01 | Adopt the resolution and recognition and appreciation of distinguished service by J. Christopher Thompson | 4-0-0 | |
12-16-2022 | #22-13 | Adopt the process outlined in the memorandum provided by Ms. Mahoney for our discussion today, as amended in today's discussion, to appoint members to the California Children's Data Protection Working Group pursuant to Civil Code 1798.99.32, and to delegate to the Executive Director of the California Privacy Protection Agency the authority to appoint those members, with the expectation that the Executive Director will bring his chosen appointees to a future Board meeting for confirmation and introductions by the Board | 4-0-0 |
#22-12 | Adopt the process for considering and proposing legislation that is outlined in the memorandum provided by Ms. Mahoney for our discussion today, again, as informed by today's discussion | 4-0-0 | |
#22-11 | Adopt the process for Board input into an oversight of the Agency's budget outlined in the memorandum provided by Mr. Laird for our discussion today, as informed by today's Board discussion | 4-0-0 | |
#22-10 | Adopt the resolution in recognition and appreciation of distinguished service by Angela Sierra | 4-0-03 | |
10-29-2022 | #22-09 |
5-0-04 |
09-23-2022 | #22-08 | Approve the delegation of authority before us [included in meeting materials] | 5-0-0 |
07-28-2022 | #22-07 | Authorize the agency staff to support any federal bill that does not, in the agency staff's judgment, broadly preempt the California Privacy Protection Act of 2018 as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020, or that in general creates a true floor for privacy protection that protects Californians' current rights and that California and other states could build on in the future | 5-0-0 |
#22-06 | Approve agency staff's recommendation to oppose any federal bill that in agency staff's judgment seeks to broadly preempt the California Consumer Privacy Act or provides substantially weaker protections that the CPA as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act or prevents the agency, the California Legislature, or voters through the ballot initiative from strengthening privacy protections for Californians in the future or responding to technological, social, or business changes or significantly compromises the agency's authority or ability to fulfill its statutory responsibility and mandate on behalf of Californians | 5-0-0 | |
#22-05 | Approve agency staff's recommendation to oppose the American Data Privacy Protection Act as currently drafted | 5-0-0 | |
#22-04 | Adopt these factual findings and to determine that:
5-0-0 | |
06-08-2022 | #22-03 | Approve the proposed regulatory text for Sections 7000 to 7304, and authorize the executive director to take all steps necessary to initiate the rulemaking process and public comment period, make any nonsubstantive changes to the package, and set the matter for a hearing | 4-0-15 |
05-26-2022 | #22-02 | Adopt the Incompatible Activities Statement in substantially the form of the draft labeled “For Board Discussion” in today's meeting materials in agenda item 4 as amended according to today's discussion | 5-0-0 |
02-17-2022 | #22-01 | Approve the November 15th, 2021, California Privacy Protection Agency Board meeting minutes, as submitted | 5-0-0 |
11-15-2021 | #21-19 | Direct the Chairperson to work with the Executive Director to coordinate properly noticed meetings in which the board can provide input on hiring decisions for the General Counsel and the Deputy Director of Communications | 5-0-0 |
#21-18 | Assign to the Rulemaking Process Subcommittee for further work, if and as needed, the items listed on the Rulemaking Process Subcommittee slides for the board meeting for November 15, 2021, including coordinating a report on how the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020, relates to existing Insurance Code provisions the regulations relating to consumer privacy | 5-0-0 | |
#21-17 | Assign the topics listed in the Rulemaking Process Subcommittees slides for the board meeting on November 15, 2021 t the Update CCPA Rules Subcommittee for further work, if and as needed: including the definition of “dark patters;” the definition of “de-identified;” the definition of “unique identifier;” methods for submitting requests; categories of personal information; categories of sensitive personal information; exceptions as necessary to comply with state or federal law; the definition of “intentionally interacts;” the definition of “precise geolocation; and record-keeping requirements other than those that apply to cybersecurity audits, risk assessments, and automated decision-making | 5-0-0 | |
#21-16 | Assign the following topics to the New CPRA Rules Subcommittee for further work, if and as needed: the definition of “law-enforcement-agency-approved investigation;” the enforcement process; and the subset of record-keeping requirements that apply to cybersecurity audits, risk assessments, and automated decision making; and any other topics as reflected in the slides the Process Subcommittee presented in the board's November 15th meeting | 5-0-0 | |
#21-15 | Approve the October 18, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes as submitted | 5-0-0 | |
#21-14 | Approve the September 24, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes as submitted | 5-0-0 | |
10-18-2021 | #21-13 | Approve giving notice to the Attorney General that the California Privacy Protection Agency is prepared to begin rulemaking pursuant to Section 1798.119.40 subsection b of the Civil Code | 5-0-0 |
#21-12 | Adopt the delegation of authority that we have before us, removing the Executive Director's name, and agreeing that we will revisit the delegation of authority in our next meeting for further discussion | 5-0-0 | |
#21-11 | Approve the Conflict of Interest Code in our materials for the meeting in order to send it on to the Fair Political Practices Commission and OAL to take effect | 5-0-0 | |
#21-10 | Transfer the business purposes topic, to the extent that it was contained within the Process Subcommittee, to the Update CCPA Rules Subcommittee for further work | 5-0-0 | |
09-07-2021 | #21-09 | Approve the delegation of authority as reviewed for this meeting, which starts from this meeting to goes to the next meeting, with the carve-outs that we decided upon last time | 5-0-0 |
#21-08 | Approve the Regulation Subcommittee's proposed course of action for preliminary rulemaking activities, including the preliminary information-gathering activities described and the formation of new subcommittees as described | 5-0-0 | |
#21-07 | Approve a form of the per diem policy that the Start-Up and Administration Subcommittee recommends
with the following changes:
5-0-0 | |
#21-06 | Approve the minutes as corrected per our discussion and/or as reflected in the minutes for today | 5-0-0 | |
06-14-2021 | #21-05 | Affirm its understanding that board members may speak in public venues and public forums as long as they made clear that they are not speaking for CPPA or for the Board of CPPA | 5-0-0 |
#21-04 | Affirm its understanding that board members may speak in public venues and public forums as long as they made clear that they are not speaking for CPPA or for the Board of CPPA | 5-0-0 | |
#21-03 | Accept this delegation of authority, as amended, according to our discussion today, so that the delegation of authority to the chair extends only until our next board meeting and then must be discussed and renewed | 5-0-0 | |
#21-02 | Amend to not limit temporary staff from the Attorney General's office, if Board Member Le would make the motion again | 5-0-0 | |
#21-01 |
5-0-0 |
1 Boardmember Jeffrey Worthe is appointed by the Governor to succeed Boardmember Chris Thompson.
2 Boardmember Alastair Mactaggart is absent.
3 Boardmember Chris Thompson has resigned, and the Governor has not yet appointed a successor.
4 Boardmember Angela Sierra is succeeded by Boardmember Alastair Mactaggart as the Attorney General's appointee.
5 Boardmember Lydia de la Torre is absent.